Strength & Conditioning 6x 2 cleans + 2 jerks *5-10 HSPU after each set MetCon 10 min amrap: 8 thrusters (95/65), 8 BBJO (24/20) *1 Mile Run or Row after time has ended
Strength & Conditioning 3x10 goblet lateral squats Back squat 5@75% 3@85% 1+@95% MetCon For time: 10 down to 1 strict pull ups, dips *25 DU at the end of each set
Strength & Conditioning 3 rounds not for time: 6 single leg broad jumps (2 foot land), 3e pistol negatives on a box, 8e single leg DL Back squat 3@70% 3@80% 3+@90% MetCon 16 min amrap: 75 DU, 5 power cleans (185/125), 3 wall walks
Strength & Conditioning DL 3@70% 3@80% 3+@90% *20 russian KBS after each set (heavy) MetCon For time: 21-15-9 TTB, thrusters (95/65), front squats (95/65)
Strength & Conditioning Bench 3@70% 3@80% 3+@90% *10 weighted push ups after each set MetCon For time: 1 mile run, 10 DB snatches (50/35), 800m run, 20 DB snatches, 400m run, 30 DB snatches, 200m run, 40 DB snatches
Strength & Conditioning 3 rounds not for time: 6 single leg broad jumps (2 foot land), 6 kang squats , 8e single leg DL Back squat 5@65% 5@75% 5+@85% MetCon For time: 800m run, 50 thrusters (95/65), 800m run