Strength & Conditioning Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 rounds): :20 L-Hang, 20 sit ups, 20 supermans MetCon 5 rounds: 9 DB Hang squat cleans (50’s/35’s), 50 DU, 9 DB sh2oh (50’s/35’s)
Strength & Conditioning Alt. Tabata hollow rocks/ superman rocks 2x M.E. L hang 5 rounds not for time: max reps 1 ½ body weight DL, max reps dips *rest as needed between rounds
Strength & Conditioning 10 min emom: 2 back squat per min (keep it pretty light, under 70%) 3 rounds not for time: 6 single leg broad jumps (3e, land with 2 feet), 10 good mornings, 8e SL KB DL MetCon 3 min amrap: 20 DB OHS (50/35), max burpees over the DB Rest 2 minutes, repeat
Strength & Conditioning 15 minutes to find an 8RM front squat 3 rounds not for time: 8e hamstring curls, 10 leg extensions 8e landmine twists MetCon 15 min amrap: 15 T2b, 50 DU, 300m row