Strength & Conditioning Backsquat 3x12 @ 30-40lb over the 20RM from last week MetCon 25 min amrap: 200m run, 20 KBs (53/35), 100m SA Farmer carry (53/35)
Strength & Conditioning 21-15-9 DL (rest 2 minutes between sets, same weight across) MetCon For time: 10-8-6-4-2 push jerks (155/105), 200m run after each set of push jerks
Strength & Conditioning 15-20 minutes to find an 3RM DL (aim for 20-30lbs heavier than your 5RM) MetCon 10 rounds: 1 DB snatch, 2 DB OHS, 3 DB push press (50/35), 40 DU *switch arms every rounds