Strength & Conditioning 3 rounds Not for time: 50 Bench press (135/95) *each round is a max set of bench press reps, whatever you do not get in the set you make the difference up in push ups MetCon For time: 300 DU
Strength & Conditioning 18 min EMOM: 1st: 3 snatches (building), 2nd: :20 chin over bar hang, 3rd: 15-20 hand release push ups MetCon For time: 100 DB hang squat clean thrusters (30’s/20’s) *emom 4 burpees starting at 0:00
Strength & Conditioning 5x3 paused front squat (building) 12 min emom: odd: 6-10 HSPU, even: :20 L-hang MetCon 5 min amrap: 50 DU, 16 weighted box step overs (35’s/20’s), max wall balls in remaining time Rest 2 min Repeat amrap
Strength & Conditioning Backsquat 4x10 @ 40-50lb over the 20RM from last week MetCon 6 min amrap: 50 WB (20/14 to 10/9’), 30 DL (185/125), max dips 4 min rest 6 min amrap: 50 WB (20/14 to 10/9’), 30 DL (185/125), max pull ups with remaining time
Strength & Conditioning 10x1 pause Clean (at knee) 4x8e db staggered stance straight leg DL(one leg in front of the other) MetCon 16min amrap: 60 DU, 12 burpees over bar (lateral), 5 FS (185/125)