Strength & Conditioning 12-9-6-3 DL (use the same weight across, rest 2 minutes between each set) Double atl tabata: arch hold and hollow hold MetCon 14 min amrap: 10 BJO (24/20), 15 KBS (53.35), 200m run
Strength & Conditioning Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes: 5 back squats (building) MetCon 20 min amrap: 25/20 cal row, 50 DU, 1 round of chief (3 Power cleans (135/95), 6 push ups, 9 air squats)
Strength & Conditioning 7x1 pause front squat (pause for 3 sec at the bottom) MetCon 3x1,000m row, 5 min rest *during your rest 50 DU, 1 min plank, :30 plank (each side)
Strength & Conditioning 21-15-9 DL (use the same weight across, rest 3 minutes between each set) Double atl tabata: arch hold and hollow hold MetCon 12 min amrap: 3 DL (365/275), 15 BJO (24/20)
Strength & Conditioning 6x1 OHS (building) 3 rounds not for time: 10 cal AB, 15 T2B, 20 shoulder taps 4 rounds Not for time: 10 bench press, max reps HSPU (score is HSPU)
Strength & Conditioning 8 min emom: 5 squat snatch (TnG) 4 rounds not for time: 8 SA DB push press (building), 8 DB reverse flies, 8-12 DB curls MetCon 3 rounds: 75 DU, 75 sit ups