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Showing posts from December, 2017


Happy Holidays from all of us at MO Town Fitness!!


Strength & Conditioning  15-12-9-6-3 power cleans (Unbroken sets, :30 rest between sets, you choose weight, same weight across) MetCon For time: “Grace” 30 C/J (135/95)


Strength & Conditioning 5-4-3-2-2-3-4-5 squat snatches (Unbroken sets, :30 rest between sets, you choose weight, same weight across) 50 band pull aparts MetCon 7 min amrap: 10 Power snatches, 5 Dips


Strength & Conditioning 5x3 front squat (3 sec pause, build) 4x8 straight leg DL MetCon For time: 21 DB thrusters (40/25), 75 DU, 18 DB thrusters, 75 DU, 15 DB Thrusters, 75 DU


Strength & Conditioning  4x10 Front squat 4 sets: 20 sit ups, 10 T2B, 30 russian twists, 1 min plank hold MetCon For time:  50 SDLHP (75/55), 50 thrusters(75/55), 800m run


Strength & Conditioning 15-12-9-6-3 power snatches (Unbroken sets, :30 rest between sets, you choose weight, same weight across) MetCon For time: 40 OHS (75/55), 20 BJ (24/20), 30 OHS (95/65), 20 BJ, 20 OHS (115/85), 10 OHS (135/95)


Strength & Conditioning  6x 1 Strict press +3 push press +5 push jerk 4x10 bent over rows MetCon 4 rounds:  400m run, 15 bar facing burpees, 6  shoulder to OH (185/125) * No exercises will be performed outside this week. The run will be changed to something else.


Strength & Conditioning  5-4-3-2-2-3-4-5 squat cleans  (Unbroken sets, :30 rest between sets, you choose weight, same weight across) MetCon “Cindy” 20 min amrap:  5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats


Strength & Conditioning Tabata:  lunges  push-ups Russian KB Swings (eye level) pull-ups MetCon 4X3 minute AMRAP 20 WallBalls (20 to 10/14 to 9) 20 Sit-ups  Max DumbBell Hang Squat Cleans (35s/20s)  in remaining time  * rest 1 minute between AMRAPs


Strength & Conditioning 8X2 Snatch Pulls + 2 Power Snatches 4X3 Strict Toes-to-Bar + 3 Kipping Toes-to-Bar + 3 Strict Toes-to-Bar MetCon For Time 800M Run 45 Hang Power Snatches (75/55) 800M Run

Holiday Party at MO Town Fitness. Join Us!!!!


December 3rd:  Luis Espinoza December 6th:  Zachary Martin December 8th:  Paul Miller December 9th:  Janet Barrett December 11th:  Adilene Meza December 18th:  Luis F Lopez Ben Harrold December 29th: Lucy Baltazar December 30th: Jeri Johnson December 31st:  Daniel Aguilar