Strength & Conditioning Build up to a heavy snatch in 15 minutes 4x8 hammer curls 4x8 DB rows MetCon: 3 minutes at each station for max reps (no rest between stations) box jump (step down)(24/20), KB swings (24/20), T2B, wall balls (20/16 to 10’)
Tuesday, August 22, 2017 Strength & Conditioning Death by HSPU: start at 1 HSPU the first minute, then 2 the second, then 3 the third minute… so on till failure. MetCon 5 min amrap: 12 DL (185/125), 12 Burpees over the bar rest 3 min 5 min amrap: 9 DL (185/125), 9 burpees over the bar
AUGUST BIRTHDAYS August 1: Judy Ross David Matzke August 3: Roque Rodriguez August 4: Oscar Ortiz August 6: Eric Moore August 8: Eric Kalpakoff August 10: John Jenks August 11: Scott Chapman August 15: Tyson Hardman August 17: John Records August 18: Megan Coon August 20: Miguel Carbajal August 21: Brenton Butler August 28: Robert Walker August 30: Burton Thorp August 31: Frank Morino Craig Andrews Wayne Gafford