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August Birthdays

August 1st
Marlene Acosta
David Matze
ChloƩ Samia

August 3rd
Sam Gay

August 4th
Oscar Ortiz

August 6th
Eric Moore

August 8th
Charles Delgado Sr.
Eric Kalpakoff

August 15th
Tyson Hardman

Vicki Etchart
Isidoro Tirade
Isaac Ruiz

August 18th
Megan Coon
Henry Armstrong

August 20th
Miguel Carbajal

August 21st
John La Tella
Brenton Butler
Brianna Rutan

August 23rd
Miguel Vasquez

August 24th
Benny Barraza

August 25th
Jason Reed
Blanca Rodriguez

August 30th
Wendy Lockwood
Mattison Lawenda

August 31st
Frank Morino


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